Core API Documentation

Core WebServices API Guide

This documentation describes the new Core Web Services API

Version 2.0 (Released Jan 2019)


Accessing the API

Make all requests to: TLS 1.2 (or better) encryption is required for all calls to all the Web Services. TLS version 1.1 and earlier are not supported. API

The API is designed as RESTful API. All API calls are implemented as httpMethodPOST. The HTTP response codes 200 is success responses, all other response codes are errors. Data will only be returned for HTTP response code 200. Error descriptions can be obtained from the response body. See Error handling section for further information.

Request Data

All request data sent to the API must be in JSON objects. See the section for each API call for the full details of the request data format. The content-type header should be set accordingly to application/x-www-form-urlencoded .

Return Data

Return data from the API is in JSON objects by default. See the section for each API call for the full details of the return values within the response object. JSON is the recommended data format for returned data and accept header should be set to either: application/json or */*. (XML format data returns can be requested by setting the accept header to application/xml, This feature is currently experimental and not fully tested)


Each API call should contain an API key for authentication. API keys are created when you are registered to use the service (see /APIKey endpoint for further onformation)


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Last updated on January 9, 2019

Available Endpoints


Endpoint Description Functions
/apikey Work with account API Key · Get API Key for account
/publisher/business Work with Publisher businesses · Request list of publisher business and its information
/publisher/medias Work with Publisher Paper medias · Request list of publisher paper medias and its information
/publisher/medias/add Work with Publisher Paper Medias · Request add a new publisher paper media information
/publisher/medias/remove Work with Publisher Paper Medias · Request removal of a publisher paper media information
/publisher/medias/update Work with Publisher Paper Medias · Request update of publisher paper media information
/publisher/update Work with Publisher · Request update of publisher information
/vault/remove Work with Vault · Request removal of an image from Vault
/vault/update Work with Vault · Request update of an image in Vault
/vault/upload Work with Vault · Request upload to Vault
Suggest edit
Last updated on October 24, 2019

API Key handler Call


Request an API Key for the account to be used with all subsequent API calls for authorisation. API keys should be stored in memory by the calling app for the use within the session, but you are encouraged to make a new call for API Key between sessions and not to store the key locally. The API Key may change periodically for security reasons.

This call also returns some additional information about the business associated with the login.


  "Username": "",
  "Password" : "mypassword"



Name Type Description Required
Username string Account username (URI Encoded) Yes
Password string Account password (URI Encoded) Yes


   "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
   "BusinessID" : "BS-25",
   "BusinessName": "",
   "CurrencyCode" : "GBP",
   "IsPublisher" : false



Name Type Description
APIKey string Unique key associate with account to be used with all API calls
BusinessID string Business ID
BusinessName string Business Name
CurrencyCode string GBP, USD or EUR
IsPublisher boolean if true the account has  publishing rights


JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“Username”:“”,
                          "Password" : "mypassword"}),    
    success: function(response) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error


cURL Example

$curl -d '{“Username” : “”,"Password" : "mypassword"}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on October 25, 2019




Request a list of all information about this account’s publisher.

Only accounts with publisher privilege are allowed to get paper media information.


  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA"



Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes


    "CostValue": 50.0,
    "CostUnit": 5,
    "FixedCostValue": 0,
    "PremiumFactor": 1,
    "PublisherAvailable" : true,
    "FactorP" : 1,
    "CurrencyCode" "GBP",
    "CurrencyExchangeGBP" : 1,
    "CurrencyExchangeUSD" : 1.3,
    "CurrencyExchangeEUR" : 1.2




Name Type Description
PublisherID string Publisher ID
PublisherName string Publisher name
Available boolean Publisher available flag: true or false
CurrencyCode string GBP, USD or EUR
CurrencyExchangeGBP float Currency exchange factor for GBP
CurrencyExchangeUSD float Currency exchange factor for USD
CurrencyExchangeEUR float Currency exchange factor for EUR
CostValue float Image Royalty cost value per cost unit (specified below)  based on publisher currency.
CostUnit integer Cost Unit for Cost Value (specified above). The valid values are:1 :  Square Millimetre

2 :  Square Centimetre

3 : Square Inch

5 : Square Meter

6 :  Square Foot

FixedCostValue float Specify a fixed cost value added to image printed at any size, based on publisher currency.
FactorP float Additional publisher factor cost
PremiumFactor float Specify factor applied to image royalty when printed on premium paper


JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”}),    
    success: function(response) {
          $.each(response.Medias, function(index, value) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error


cURL Example

$curl -d '{"APIKey" : "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA"}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on October 22, 2019

Publisher Business Call



Request a specific or list of all business information associated with this account’s publisher.

Only accounts with publisher privilege are allowed to get business information.


  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
  "BusinessID" : "BS-14"



Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes
BusinessID string Business ID, if missing or empty list of all businesses is returned No


         "PublisherID" : "PB-15"
         "BusinessName":"Online Business",
         "CurrencyCode": "GBP",
         "CostFactorB": 1.2,
         "Available" : true




Name Type Description
Count integer Count of items returned
Business array List of Business Information (objects)
PublisherID string Publisher ID
BusinessID string Business ID
BusinessName string Business Name
CurrencyCode string GBP, USD or EUR
CostFactorB float Additional Business factor cost
Available boolean Specifies if Paper Media is Available to use.


JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”}),    
    success: function(response) {
          $.each(response.Medias, function(index, value) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error


cURL Example

$curl -d '{"APIKey" : "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA"}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on July 2, 2020

Publisher Medias Call



Request a list of all paper media information associated with this account’s publisher.

Only accounts with publisher privilege are allowed to get paper media information.


  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA"



Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes


         "MediaName":"Standard Paper",
         "CostValue": 50.0,
         "CostUnit": 5,
         "FixedCostValue": 0,
         "MediaFactor": 1,
         "Available" : true




Name Type Description
Count integer Count of items returned
Medias array List of Paper Media Information (objects)
MediaID string Media ID
MediaName string Name of media.
CostValue float Paper Royalty cost value per cost unit (specified below)  based on publisher currency.
CostUnit integer Cost Unit for Cost Value (specified above). The valid values are:1 :  Square Millimetre

2 :  Square Centimetre

3 : Square Inch

5 : Square Meter

6 :  Square Foot

FixedCostValue float Specify a fixed cost value added to media printed at any size, based on publisher currency.
MediaFactor float Additional Media factor cost
Premium boolean Specifies if Paper Media is Premium. If true the image premium factor is applied to royalty pricing for this paper type.
Available boolean Specifies if Paper Media is Available to use.


JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”}),    
    success: function(response) {
          $.each(response.Medias, function(index, value) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error


cURL Example

$curl -d '{"APIKey" : "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA"}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on October 15, 2019

Publisher Media Add Call


Add a new publisher paper media.

Only accounts with publisher privilege are allowed to update publisher paper media parameters.


  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
  "MediaName" : "Standard Paper",
  "MediaFactor" : 1.0,
  "Premium" : false,
  "CostValue" : 40.50
  "CostUnit" : 5,
  "FixedCostValue" : 10,
  "Available" : true


Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes
MediaName string Media Name No
MediaFactor float additional factor applied to paper cost No
CostValue float Media Royalty cost value per cost unit (specified below)  based on publisher currency. Ignored if CostUnit is missing. No
CostUnit integer Specify the Cost Unit for Cost Value (specified above).Ignored if CostValue is missing. The valid values are:

1 :  Square Millimetre

2 :  Square Centimetre

3 : Square Inch

5 : Square Meter

6 :  Square Foot

FixedCostValue float Specify a fixed cost value added to media printed at any size, based on publisher currency. No
Premium boolean Specify if image premium factor is applied to image royalty when printed on this paper. No
Available boolean Specify if paper media is available to use. Default is false. No


  PaperMediaID: 'PM-100'


Name Type Description
PaperMediaID string On successful add, newly created Paper Media ID is returned.

JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"MediaName":"Paper","MediaFactor" : 1.25}),    
    success: function(response) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error

cURL Example

$curl -d '{“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"MediaName":"Paper", "MediaFactor" : 1.25}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on October 15, 2019

Publisher Media Remove Call


Remove a publisher paper media.

Only accounts with publisher privilege are allowed to update publisher paper media parameters.


  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
  "MediaID": "PM-27"



Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes
MediaID string Valid Papaer Media ID Yes


  Message: 'Success!'




Name Type Description
Message string On successful remove set to ‘Success!’ or if Media ID is invalid set to ‘Media ID Not Found!”


JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"MediaID":"PM-27"}),    
    success: function(response) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error


cURL Example

$curl -d '{“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"MediaID":"PM-27"}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on October 17, 2019

Publisher Media Update Call


Update information about publisher paper media.

Only accounts with publisher privilege are allowed to update publisher paper media parameters.


  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
  "MediaID": "PM-27",
  "MediaName" : "Standard Paper",
  "MediaFactor" : 1.0,
  "Premium" : false,
  "CostValue" : 40.50
  "CostUnit" : 5,
  "FixedCostValue" : 10,
  "Available" : true



Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes
MediaID string Valid Papaer Media ID Yes
MediaName string Media Name No
MediaFactor float additional factor applied to paper cost No
CostValue float Media Royalty cost value per cost unit (specified below)  based on publisher currency. Ignored if CostUnit is missing. No
CostUnit integer Specify the Cost Unit for Cost Value (specified above).Ignored if CostValue is missing. The valid values are:

1 :  Square Millimetre

2 :  Square Centimetre

3 : Square Inch

5 : Square Meter

6 :  Square Foot

FixedCostValue float Specify a fixed cost value added to media printed at any size, based on publisher currency. No
Premium boolean Specify if image premium factor is applied to image royalty when printed on this paper. No
Available boolean Specify if paper media is available to use. No


  Message: 'Success!'




Name Type Description
Message string On successful update set to ‘Success!’


JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"MediaID":"PM-27","MediaFactor" : 1.25}),    
    success: function(response) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error


cURL Example

$curl -d '{“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"MediaID":"PM-27", "MediaFactor" : 1.25}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on October 15, 2019

Publisher Update Call


Update information about publisher.

Only accounts with publisher privilege are allowed to update publisher parameters.


  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
  "FactorP" : 1.25,
  "CurrencyExchangeGBP" : 1.0,
  "CurrencyExchangeEUR" : 1.15,
  "CurrencyExchangeUSD" : 1.25,
  "CostValue" : 40.50
  "CostUnit" : 5,
  "FixedCostValue" : 10,
  "PremiumFactor" : 1.2



Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes
FactorP float Publisher factor No
CurrencyExchangeGBP float GBP Exchange rate factor No
CurrencyExchangeEur float EUR Exchange rate factor No
CurrencyExchangeUSD float USD Exchange rate factor No
CostValue float Image Royalty cost value per cost unit (specified below)  based on publisher currency. Ignored if CostUnit is missing. No
CostUnit integer Specify the Cost Unit for Cost Value (specified above).Ignored if CostValue is missing. The valid values are:

1 :  Square Millimetre

2 :  Square Centimetre

3 : Square Inch

5 : Square Meter

6 :  Square Foot

FixedCostValue float Specify a fixed cost value added to image printed at any size, based on publisher currency. No
PremiumFactor float Specify factor applied to image royalty when printed on premium paper No


  Message: 'Success'




Name Type Description
Message string On successful update set to ‘Success’


JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"FactorP" : 1.25}),    
    success: function(response) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error


cURL Example

$curl -d '{“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"FactorP" : 1.25}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on October 10, 2019


Publisher level users have access to the secure Vault for listing, uploading and image manipulation.

The Vault data model is a flat structure: a publisher has a unique Vault, and the vault stores image objects. There is no hierarchy of sub-vaults or sub-folders. However, you can infer logical hierarchy using key name prefixes. Suppose that your Vault has four objects with the following object keys:


The key name prefixes (Artist-1/, Artist-2/, and Private/) and delimiter (‘/’) are used to infer hierarchy and introduce the concept of folders.

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Last updated on August 6, 2019




Request removal of an uploaded image. this request will delete the image file, thumbnail and associated entry in images database.

Only images that have not been used in jobs or user galleries can be deleted.

Only accounts with Publisher right and the owner of the uploaded image is allowed to delete the image.




  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
  "PublisherID" : "15",
  "ImageID" : "IM-22"


Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes
PublisherID string Image Publisher ID Yes
ImageID string Image ID Yes


   "Message": "Success"


Name Type Description
Message string On successful deletion of image = “Success”

JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"PublisherID":"15","ImageID : "IM-22"}),    
    success: function(response) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error

cURL Example

$curl -d '{“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"PublisherID":"15","ImageID : "IM-22"}' \
      -X POST

Suggest edit
Last updated on September 2, 2019



Update information about an uploaded image.



  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
  "PublisherID" : "PB-123",
  "ImageID" : "IM-342",
  "ImageAvailable" : true,
  "Artist" : "Frans Deerek",
  "Category" : "Skyline",
  "ItemName" : "Sky Portrait",
  "Reference" : "XD1234",
  "CostValue" : 40.50
  "CostUnit" : 5,
  "PrintLimit" : 100,
  "MaxPrintSize : 250,
  "Tags_en" : [ "sky", "Sun", "Sea"],
  "Tags_it" : []



Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes
PublisherID string Image Publisher ID Yes
ImageID string Image ID Yes
ImageAvailable boolean set image availability online: true or false No
Artist string Artist Name No
ItemName string Image Name/Title No
Reference string Reference value set for image No
Category string Image Category No
CostValue float Image Royalty cost value per cost unit (specified below)  based on publisher currency. Ignored if CostUnit is missing. No
CostUnit integer Specify the Cost Unit for Cost Value (specified above).Ignored if CostValue is missing. The valid values are:

1 :  Square Millimetre

2 :  Square Centimetre

3 : Square Inch

5 : Square Meter

6 :  Square Foot

FixedCostValue float Specify a fixed cost value added to image printed at any size, based on publisher currency. No
PrintLimit integer Set Limited Edition by specifying a positive value Print Limit for total number of prints allowed. No
MaxPrintSize integer Maximum size the image can be printed. Specify in percentage of original image size.  For example To allow up to 2x the original size set to 200. No
Tags_en array array of strings specifying list of English keywords/tags for the image. Use an empty array to remove existing tags No
Tages_de array array of strings specifying list of German keywords/tags for the image. Use an empty array to remove existing tags No
Tags_fr array array of strings specifying list of French keywords/tags for the image. Use an empty array to remove existing tags No
Tags_it array array of strings specifying list of Italian keywords/tags for the image. Use an empty array to remove existing tags No
Tags_es array array of strings specifying list of Spanish keywords/tags for the image. Use an empty array to remove existing tags No
Tags_nl array array of strings specifying list of Dutch keywords/tags for the image. Use an empty array to remove existing tags No


  Message: 'Success'




Name Type Description
Message string On successful update set to ‘Success’


JQuery Example

    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"PublisherID" : "PB-123","ImageID" : "IM-342","ImageAvailable" : true}),    
    success: function(response) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error


cURL Example

$curl -d '{“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"PublisherID" : "PB-123","ImageID" : "IM-342","ImageAvailable" : true}' \
      -X POST
Suggest edit
Last updated on September 3, 2019



The process of upload of an image involves a time sequence events starting by requesting an upload of an image. The following time sequence diagram shows the sequence of events involved in the upload of an image.


The upload request call can contain one or more request for upload with the Image Keys specifying the path including the file name. The return from API call will contain a time-limited authorized upload link for each Image Key requested. This link is valid for 60 minutes and gives full access to upload a binary image. Example of uploads are shown below. Once the files have been uploaded, the system will process and add to catalogue. The images are typically available within minutes.

Only accounts with publisher privilege are allowed to upload images.

Image Keys

Each image object has a key. Image key (or key name) uniquely identifies the object in the Vault.

When you upload an image, you specify the key name, which uniquely identifies the image object in the Vault.  These names are the object keys. The name for a key is a sequence of Unicode characters whose UTF-8 encoding should at most be 1024 bytes long.

Image Recognition

AutoTag Image facility is a Deep Learning powered Image Recognition service that detects objects, scenes, and faces;  it also extracts text and recognises celebrities. AutoTag Image service identifies thousands of objects such as vehicles, pets, and furniture. AutoTag service also detects scenes within an image, such as a sunset or beach. The service is continually trained on new data to expand its ability to recognise objects, scenes, and activities to improve its ability to accurately analyse images.

This service makes it easy to generate tags for  large image libraries. The upload call can request the use of AutoTag service to automatically generate tags for the uploaded image. The tags are also automatically translated to all supported languages.



The upload service can also read the image metadata and extract EXIF tags to populate image information. Currently the following tags are recognised and used in the image information:

EXIF Tag AOD Field
artist Artist Name
imageDescription Item Name



The following restrictions on uploaded file is currently in place:

Formats Supported JPEG & TIFF
Maximum File Size 200 MB
Concurrent Requests 100
Image Key Each image object has a key. Image key (or key name) uniquely identifies the object in the Vault. See section above about naming limitations.




  "APIKey": "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA",
  "ImageKeys" : [
         "ImageKey" : "Artist-1/portrait-675.jpg",
         "AutoTag" : true, 
         "AutoExif" : false, 
         "ArtistName" : "John Pierre",
         "ItemName" : "Day at sea",
         "Category" : "Pop Art",
         "CostValue" : 40.0,
         "CostUnit"  : 5,
         "PrintLimit" : 30,
         "MaxPrintSize" : 250
         "ImageKey" : "Artist-2/london-543.tiff",
         "Reference" : "XY0987-DE",
         "Tags_en" : ["sea", "sun", "beach", "water"] 
         "Tags_de" : ["sitz", "sonne", "strand", "wasser"]      
         "ImageKey" : "Private/sea-6754.jpg",
         "Tags_es" : ["noche", "cielo", "ciudad"] 
         "ImageKey" : "aeroplane.jpg"


Name Type Description Required
APIKey string Authorisation key unique to account Yes
ImageKeys array array (objects) of image details to upload. At least one Image Key is required for the call. Yes
ImageKey string Image Key specifies the upload file name and path and is used as the key to identify the image upload. Must not be empty string. Yes
NoUpload boolean request the file is not uploaded if already exists and only update parameters. Default is false. No
AutoTag boolean request AutoTag service to generate tags automatically. Default is false. No
AutoExif boolean request AutoExif service to read image metadata and extract EXIF parameters automatically. Default is false. No
Reference string Image reference in AOD database. If not specified the image file basename is used as default reference. No
ItemName string Item Name/Title describing the image No
ArtistName string Artist Name No
Category string Image Category Name No
CostValue float Image Royalty cost value per cost unit (specified below) based on publisher currency. If not present (default), this value is taken from base publisher data. No
CostUnit integer Specify the Cost Unit for Cost Value (specified above). If not present (default), this value is taken from base publisher data. If present but CostValue not present this is ignored. The valid values are:

1 :  Square Millimetre

2 : Square Centimetre

3 : Square Inch

5 : Square Meter

6 : Square Foot

FixedCostValue float Specify a fixed cost value added to image printed at any size. If not present (default), this value is taken from base publisher data. No
PrintLimit integer Set Limited Edition by specifying a positive value Print Limit for total number of prints allowed. Default is open edition and not print limited. No
MaxPrintSize float Maximum size the image can be printed. Specify in percentage of original image size. For example to allow the image to be printed up to four times the size, set to 400. If not present (default), this value is taken from base publisher data. No
Tags_en array Array of strings that contains the English language tags/keywords for the image. If AutoTag is true, the generated tags will be added to these. No
Tags_de array Array of strings that contains the German language tags/keywords for the image. If AutoTag is true, the generated tags are translated and added to these. No
Tags_es array Array of strings that contains the Spanish language tags/keywords for the image. If AutoTag is true, the generated tags are translated and added to these. No
Tags_fr array Array of strings that contains the French language tags/keywords for the image. If AutoTag is true, the generated tags are translated and added to these. No
Tags_it array Array of strings that contains the Italian  language tags/keywords for the image. If AutoTag is true, the generated tags are translated and added to these. No
Tags_nl array Array of strings that contains the Dutch language tags/keywords for the image. If AutoTag is true, the generated tags are translated and added to these. No


   "Count": 4,
         "ImageKey" : "Artist-1/portrait-675.jpg",
         "Existing": false,
         "URL" : "",
         "ImageKey" : "Artist-2/london-543.tiff",
         "Existing": false,          
         "URL" : "",             
         "ImageKey" : "Private/sea-6754.jpg",    
         "Existing": false,      
         "URL" : "",          
         "ImageKey" : "aeroplane.jpg", 
         "Existing": true,         
         "URL" : "",           


Name Type Description
Count integer Count of items returned.
ImageKeys array List of ImageKey Information (objects)
ImageKey string Image key requested
Existing boolean Flag indicating if the image key exists in the vault. Uploading to the provided link will override existing image and its current data. The calling client should decide to proceed to override existing image.
URL string Time limited secure upload link for the image binary data.

If NoUpload flag was set in the request and image file already exists, no URL will be returned.

JQuery Example

Request Upload
    url: "",
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    dataType: 'json',
    type: 'POST', 
    data: JSON.stringify({“APIKey”:“x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA”,"ImageKeys":[{"ImageKey" : "testfile.jpg","Reference" : "XYPCD"}]}),    
    success: function(response) {
          $.each(response.Transactions, function(index, value) {
               // process returns
    error: function(err) {
               // handle error

Upload File
    url: "",
    type: 'PUT',
    data: file,
    processData: false,
    headers: {'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'},
    success: function (response) {
               // call success
}).done(function (data) {
       // upload done 
}).fail(function (arg1, arg2) {  
        // upload fail

cURL Example

Request Upload
$curl -d '{"APIKey" : "x-a3A1qLrXStYDgThU3dfA","ImageKeys":[{"ImageKey" : "testfile.jpg","Reference" : "XYPCD"}]}' \
      -X POST

Upload File
$curl -H "Content-Type: image/jpeg" --upload-file imagefile.jpg ""
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Last updated on September 18, 2020


As part of the upload feature we have an online import facility for uploading images from web browser. You are able to fill a template (csv) file with associated data for the images and use that as part of the upload from console under your own account.

Note: to use the import facility, you need to upload a CSV (.csv) file with UTF-8 encoding and comma (,) as field separator.

The console provides the facility to export an empty template (csv) file with correct heading and list of selected files. First select the files you wish to upload, use the export facility to create an empty template and then fill the template file with information about images. You can then Upload images with the associated template file which will populate the database with the provided information.

The following table describes the fields and the format of the data required. If you do not want to provide data for a field, leave it blank (the comma separator should exist for each field). The header line describing the fields should exist as first line. Enter data for each image one per line after the header.

A useful tool for working with csv files is Microsoft® Excel™ (remember to save as csv format with UTF-8 encoding).


Field Description
FileName Actual file name including any extensions from local directory. If you have exported the template file, this field should be already populated.

Example:  MD_IR6765.jpg

ImageKey Path and name of the destination file in the Vault. All image keys are relative to root of the Vault. Image key can be different from file name, although recommended to keep the same to match files in your local storage. If the image key exists, it will be over written and its data reset to new data.

This field is case sensitive and differences in case will result in new entries.

Example:   artist-1/latest/MD_IR6765.jpg

the file will be stored relative to vault root in sub-folders artist-1/latest/

Reference Image reference allocated in AOD system which will be shown to users as image reference. If left empty the file base-name (without extension) will be used as default reference. You may wish to have your own reference system or SKU to allocate to images here.

Example:  IM123

if the field is empty then reference would be the file base name : MD_IR675

ArtistName Artist Name

Example: Arian Spencer

ItemName Image Name/Title

Example: Nightlife

Category Image Category

Example: Abstract

CostValue Image Royalty cost value per cost unit (specified below)  based on publisher currency. If not present (default), this value is taken from base publisher data.

Example : 40.5

CostUnit Specify the Cost Unit for Cost Value (specified above). If not present (default), this value is taken from base publisher data. If present but CostValue not present this is ignored. The valid values are:

1 :  Square Millimetre

2 :  Square Centimetre

3 : Square Inch

5 : Square Meter

6 :  Square Foot

Example : 5

FixedCostValue Specify a fixed cost value added to image printed at any size. If not present (default), this value is taken from base publisher data.

Example : 5.0

PrintLimit Set Limited Edition by specifying a positive value Print Limit for total number of prints allowed. Default is open edition and not print limited.

Example : 30

MaxPrintSize Maximum size the image can be printed. Specify in percentage of original image size.  If not present (default), this value is taken from base publisher data.

Example : 400

This allows the image to be printed up to 4 times bigger than the original size.

NoUpload a Boolean flag to enable/disable “No image upload” and/or update of parameters only if the image has already been uploaded. Default is false(off)

Example : false

the system will upload image even if the file exists in Vault.

Example: true

The system will not upload image if already uploaded and update parameters only. The flag is ignored if the image has not been uploaded.

AutoTag a Boolean flag to enable auto image recognition to generate automatic keywords/tags by analysing the image (see upload section for more details about this feature). Default is false (off)

Example : true

by setting this field to true the system will analyse the images and generate keywords/tags (currently only in English)

AutoExif a Boolean flag to enable auto metadata recognition by analysing the image EXIF data (see upload section for more details about this feature). Default is false (off)

Example : true

by setting this field to true the system will analyse the image exif  and generate certain data automatically

Tags_en list of English keywords/tags for the image. Separate each keyword/tag using a | separator.

Example:  night|sky light|building|city

if AutoTag is enabled these will be added to the auto generated tags

Tags_de list of German Keywords/Tags for the image.

See Tags_en for details

Tags_fr list of French Keywords/Tags for the image.

See Tags_en for details

Tags_es list of Spanish Keywords/Tags for the image.

See Tags_en for details

Tags_it list of Italian Keywords/Tags for the image.

See Tags_en for details

Tags_nl list of Dutch Keywords/Tags for the image.

See Tags_en for details


Sample Template File (csv)

li-yang-138248-unsplash.jpg,test/li-yang-138248-unsplash.jpg,138248,Li Yang,Shanghai,Landscape,,,,,,true,,city|sky|night life|skyscraper,,,,
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Last updated on September 28, 2020

Error Handling

Errors are returned as standard JSON objects using HTTP statusCode. With error status, the error message text can be obtained from the response body. The HTTP response code 200 is success responses, all other response codes are errors. Data will only be returned for HTTP response code 200.


    statusCode: 400,
    body: "Invalid Request"


HTTP Status Code

Code Status Description
200 Success Request successful
400 Invalid Invalid or missing Request Parameters
401 Unauthorised APIKEY not valid
405 Invalid Method HTTP Method not supported
500 Database Error Request caused a database error
501 File Error Request caused a File error
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Last updated on January 9, 2019
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